BurdaStyle Featured Member Project


Today I am excited to the 10th power.  Responding to my messages brings me so much joy.  It encourages me to strive harder at making others inspired enough to want to pull out whatever form of craftiness they desire and start a project.

This morning I want to say Thank you to Burdastlye.com. When I opened my Burdastyle member page to respond to messages, I found a very different message.  All of my messages are special, but there was one that caught my eye that I just had to share with you.

Burdastyle's online fashion editor TyMarie, has chosen one of my projects to be featured this week on Burdastyle.com's homepage.  I feel very honored, humbled, and pleased to share this moment with you. (excitement abounds)

Thank you TyMarie for choosing my project as Featured Member of The Week.

Thank you for joining me today,  Until next time,

Lots of Love
